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To Horace Mann



Friday, Jan. 22, 1742.

DON'T wonder that I missed writing to you yesterday, nr; constant day: you will pity me when you hear that I was shut up in the House of Commons till one in the morning I came away more dead than alive, and was forced to leav< Sir E. at supper with my brothers : he was all alive and ii spirits. He says he is younger than me, and indeed I thinl so, in spite of his forty years more. My head aches to-night but we rose early ; and if I don't write to-night, when shal I find a moment to spare ? Now you want to know wha-we did last night; stay, I will tell you presently in its place : it was well, and of infinite consequence—so far I tel you now.

Our recess finished last Monday, and never at school die I enjoy holidays so much—but, les voild finis jusgu'au grin terns! Tuesday (for you see I write you an absolute journal we sat on a Scotch election, a double return; their man was Hume Campbell *, Lord Marchmont's2 brother, lately made solicitor to the Prince, for being as troublesome, as violent and almost as able as his brother. They made a great poirrl of it, and gained so many of our votes, that at ten at nighl we were forced to give it up without dividing. Sandys who loves persecution, even unto the death, moved to punist the sheriff; and as we dared not divide, they ordered him into custody, where by this time, I suppose, Sandys has eaten him.

On Wednesday Sir Kobert G-odschall, the Lord Mayor,

LET-TEE 61.—* Hon. Hume Campbell, second son of second Earl of Marchmont; M.P. for Berwickshire. „,. ju.« «<*a u^D WCUM. «,juv

2 HughCaiap'bell(170S-1794), third spondent of Alexander Pope. Earl of Marchmont; First Lord of

Police (in Scotland), 1747; Keepei of the Great Seal of Scotland, 1764-94. He was the friend and corre-